How To Get Glowing Skin At Home!

How can I get more glowing skin at home and in-between my cosmetic acupuncture sessions?

Here are a few that I often suggest to patients!

1. Look at your Vitamin C and protein intake!

These are both pretty essential building blocks for building collagen! My preference always is whole food, like add a little boiled chicken to your meals each week or bone broth to bases like sauté veggies with bone broth, add it to your oatmeal, etc. For my veggie folks, make sure you’re getting a lot of good, whole protein sources and not just powders & supplements! You can add strawberries, citrus fruits, spinach, broccoli, and peppers to your diet (eat the rainbow every week, if you’re not seeing a lot of color in meals, check out the produce section in the grocery store!).

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What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture, also called Facial Rejuvenation, is a gentle, effective way to combat the signs of aging without surgery or injections. It boosts collagen, encourages lymph flow and increases circulation in the skin! It is not a traditional facial with extractions & peels, but involves inserting hair-thin needles into the face (facial acupuncture), facial cupping/gua sha, and massage. The result is that your face looks more like you, which these other methods don’t! It also doesn’t pump your body full of chemicals, does not paralyze the facial muscles (like Botox injections do), and you don’t have to risk surgery or long recovery times. Your face will generally look more toned, brighter, and have a more even complexion.

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