How To Get Glowing Skin At Home!

How can I get more glowing skin at home and in-between my cosmetic acupuncture sessions? 

Here are a few that I often suggest to patients!

1.       Look at your Vitamin C and protein intake!

These are both pretty essential building blocks for building collagen!  My preference always is whole food, like add a little boiled chicken to your meals each week or bone broth to bases like sauté veggies with bone broth, add it to your oatmeal, etc. For my veggie folks, make sure you’re getting a lot of good, whole protein sources and not just powders & supplements!  You can add strawberries, citrus fruits, spinach, broccoli, and peppers to your diet (eat the rainbow every week, if you’re not seeing a lot of color in meals, check out the produce section in the grocery store and see what sparks something). 

2.       Regular movement!  Get outside!

A 30-minute walk about 3 times a week is amazing for your health (daily even better!) – getting better circulation really helps your skin and being outside is good for your spirit.  Not only do you get things moving (arms, legs, torso…) but you are outside, in nature, looking at the sky, breathing in fresh air!  I highly recommend walking! 

3.       Stress reduction!

As with all healing, our skin responds wonderfully to lower stress.  Tissue heals faster this way also!  Try doing 5 minutes of meditation or a round of 1 minute breathing exercises a few times a day to center yourself. 

4.       Sunscreen!

I love getting sun on my face, so I typically just wear sunscreen when I know I’ll be outside – make sure to get your neck, chest and hands as well!  Also make sure all of your products are in good shape (not expired or you’re just using it because your sister gave it to you and you don’t really like it).  I love to LOVE my products!  It makes me want to use them each night.

Mount Lai Amethyst Gua Sha Roller Set

5.       Try a gua sha tool, jade roller or AcuLift Dermaroller!

I have all of these tools in my office (like the above Mount Lai Amethyst Tranquility Set)! It’s a wonderful way to do some manual work on your own at home and enhances the absorption of your serums and moisturizers. 

6.       Talk to me about how you can use Celluma at home!  Using a Celluma LED Light therapy device 3 times a week at home in-between sessions is a great way to accelerate skin healing and wrinkle reduction. 

If you are curious about any of these things, send me a message and let me help you!