Spring Wellness & Chinese Medicine

In Chinese medicine, we often look to the Five Elements (or Five Phases) for balance and harmony within our systems. Spring is the Wood element; the organ it governs is the Liver – one good reason why it’s not the worst time to do a spring cleanse on ourselves, spring clean our houses, and we feel the itch to move, do and change.  As the earth’s energy shifts and changes, so does our inner climate; our bodies feel the same Spring arising inside.  As buds are about to emerge, that budding energy also rises within us – it’s painful!  Most people think SPRING!  It’s exciting!  Flowers! Shorts! My $200 sunnies!  But most of my patients are actually pretty agitated at this time – they’re it’s difficult to move out of winter into spring, let alone in the Pacific Northwest – just this week we had a 72 degree day and today it’s raining and 51! 

How can we tune into the energy of Spring and live more in harmony with the season?  Here are some of my tips below!


Tips for Spring Wellness

  • Wear a scarf!   This is a transitional time period where we want to run out and put on shorts and pretend it's Summer!  Well, it ain’t, haha!  We have a couple acupuncture points on the back of our necks called "wind gate" points, and protecting them with even just a light scarf can help us not get colds, help with allergies and also prevent us from having stiff neck and shoulders!  Did you know that some of the beginning of stiff neck & shoulders is actually from “evil wind” coming in through the neck?  YES!  (I love Chinese medicine…)

  • Tune into those Spring foods!  Dark leafy greens, artichoke, eggplant, citrus fruits, sprouts, celery, cilantro, nettles... It’s a good time to start to add some fresher veggies and fruits to your diet. Be mindful not to go full raw; check out the produce section at your grocery store or farmers market and see what's growing!  (Too much raw food will upset your digestion – cause bloating and cold).  It’s not a bad time to have a light cleanse – maybe have a week of drinking less alcohol, less caffeine, less sugar and give your digestive system a rest.

  • It's Wood energy time!  In the Five Elements, Spring is Wood.  The Wood element signifies creation and birth; it is the rebirth cycle of the Five Elements. That sprouting, growing, springing up & out energy can cause a lot of irritation (imagine the flower as it's about to BUD). Help move some of that energy with Qi Gong, walking, singing, jumping... let some of that stagnant Qi and energy move!  

  • Herbs & acupuncture for the win!  Come in for a consultation and treatment, we can see where your body might be out of balance and add some herbs and treatment.  A good cupping session and some herbs to support the liver might be great for you!  I have a lot of herbal medicine for spring allergies as well which can be very helpful! 

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